There is no doctrinal concept that seems to stir up strife and controversy among believers quite like the Rapture. It is perhaps one of the most divisive and polarizing topics in Christianity today, and it’s one that practically every believer seems to have very strong and unbendable views on. I must confess that personally, this is not a subject that I am either passionate or dogmatic about. Nevertheless, because I know that this is a topic that tends to captivate a lot of people, I thought I would take the opportunity to share a new discovery I made just a few days ago which I think will be of interest to many of my readers. This discovery concerns what I perceive to be a never-before-seen Bible code about the Rapture, which until today has been kept hidden within an obscure passage in the book of Judges for thousands of years, patiently awaiting its own discovery.
What is the Rapture?
The belief in a physical bodily resurrection of the faithful has historically been a central tenet of both the Jewish and Christian faiths, and clear prophetic allusions to this climactic event can be found throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Based largely on Paul’s description of the first resurrection in 1 Thessalonians 4, the belief developed that immediately following the resurrection of the saints, the body of Christ will be supernaturally removed (snatched) from the earth by the Lord himself, and will be caught up in the clouds to meet him in the air. The term “rapture” was coined relatively recently in Church history to refer specifically to this climactic event of apocalyptic expectation.
There are many different variations of this doctrine held by believers, which is likely why it has come to be such a polarizing and divisive topic. There are also many Christians who deny the concept of a rapture all together.1A discussion of all of the different variations and interpretative frameworks of the Rapture (premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillenialism, etc.) unfortunately remain beyond the scope of the present analysis. Suffice it to say that the doctrine of the rapture is most strongly associated with those in the premillennial camp, and it is their interpretive framework which is most dominant.
How I discovered the Bible code about the Rapture
The Bible code about the rapture I am about to share was discovered somewhat accidentally. Out of mere curiosity, I decided to run a search for the phrase “The Rapture”. However this presented some difficulties. Not only is the English term “rapture” not found anywhere in the plain text of the Bible, but there is no precise equivalent for this word in the Hebrew language. This meant that in order for me to search for the encryption of this phrase in the Bible, I first had to transliterate it into Hebrew. This resulted in the following eight-letter word: הראפטורה (pronounced: “ha-rapture“). From there I keyed this word into my Bible code search software, set the ELS range to 2-100,000 letter skips, and executed a search.
Bible code about the Rapture revealed
Given that the entire phrase is eight letters long and contains two extremely rare Hebrew letters (pey and tet), I didn’t really anticipate that I would find anything significant–if at all. Not only did the program return 3 positive results for this string in the Leningrad codex, but to my utter astonishment–one of the positive hits indicated that this precise eight-letter word was encrypted in the book of Judges at an ELS of every 25 letters backwards. Astonished, I immediately sat up and clicked on the result to analyze it, and was confronted with the following Bible code grid:

As can be seen, the phrase “the Rapture” is encoded at an ELS of every 25 letters backwards in Judges 2:14-17, where it intersects with the following line of topical correspondence: “And the LORD raised up judges who delivered them.” There’s a lot of meaning to unpack there, but let’s hold that thought for a moment and talk probability.
I have stated in previous articles that I am not a statistician, however anyone with even a basic command of the Hebrew tongue will be able to attest that the odds of finding this eight-letter word encrypted anywhere in the Bible at such a ridiculously small ELS are next to zero. The reason for this is that the string contains two extremely rare Hebrew letters–pey and tet, as I stated previously. Having even 1 of these letters in an eight-letter string makes it highly unlikely that you’re going to find that string encrypted anywhere in the Tanakh at a short-distance ELS, while having 2 of them makes it almost certain you won’t find it anywhere.2 The fact that we find this eight-letter word encoded anywhere in the Bible at an ELS of every 25 letters is remarkable and screams deliberate design, and this is especially true in light of the line of topical correspondence which intersects with the word rapture in the grid.
Bible code about the Rapture explained
The first thing that should be noted is that the line of topical correspondence in this example uses the verb l’qum (meaning: “to raise up“) with reference to judges/deliverers of Israel. I have italicized this phrase in the translation for emphatic purposes, as in the prophetic context of the Bible code this is speaking of the saints who will be resurrected (literally “raised up“) when the Rapture of the body of Christ takes place. The truth of this interpretation is reinforced by the fact that this very same verb is used in Hosea 6 and Isaiah 26 to describe the resurrection of the saints (Hosea. 6:2; Isa. 26:19).
The inferred meaning of the full code matrix seems to be that God will raise up (resurrect) a body of glorified/resurrected judges (rulers), who will deliver the nation of Israel from future enemies who will plunder her. The intersecting of this line with the encryption of the word “rapture” seems to imply that this will occur at the second coming of Jesus. Interestingly, this scenario just described fits perfectly with the context of the Gog-Magog war described in Ezekiel 38-39, in which the world armies headed by Gog are described as entering into the land of Israel illegally with the specific intention of plundering her (Ezek. 38:11-13; 39:10). It is also noteworthy that the code uses the word “judges” to describe the resurrected saints, in light of the fact that the New Testament states very plainly that the saints will judge the world (1 Cor. 6:3).
Final thoughts on the Bible code about the Rapture
In this brief analysis, we have seen that the word הראפטורה (“The Rapture” transliterated into Hebrew) is encrypted in Judges 2:14-17 at an ELS of every 25 letters backwards, where it intersects with a line of topical correspondence within the text grid to form what appears to be a cryptic prophecy concerning the rapture of the Church. Taken together, the code matrix appears to foresee that God will resurrect (“raise up”) a body of glorified kings and priests, who will come with him to deliver Israel from enemy nations who have come to plunder her when he returns in power and great glory.

- Although the term rapture is a modern term which is not actually found anywhere in the plain text of the Bible, it is difficult to convincingly argue that the event to which this term refers isn’t clearly articulated in Scripture. In addition, the belief in a future bodily resurrection for the people of God is found consistently throughout both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.
- As I have stated in previous articles, I define any code encrypted at an equidistant letter skip sequence of <= 150 letter skips as a short-distance ELS.
Are there ELS codes in the Scrivener Textus Receptus?
Hello Daniel,
That’s a great question. I cannot say with certainty one way or the other, for the simple fact that I do not have access to software that is capable of conducting equidistant letter skip searches on the Greek New Testament. What I can tell you is that Hebrew is a unique language with a peculiar set of grammatical features (prepositional prefixes, pronominal suffixes, etc.). Combine these with a purely consonantal alphabet, and you end up with a language that is uniquely suited for this particular form of cryptography, as it becomes possible to say a lot with relatively few characters. It would be a lot harder to do this with a non-semetic, highly technical language like ancient Greek (in fact, I think it would probably be even harder to do this with Greek than even English).
On the other hand, we also know that God’s intelligence and understanding knows no bounds (Job 36:4; 37:16; Ps. 147:5), and that all things are possible with him (Matt. 19:26; Mark 9:23; 10:27; 14:36; Luke 1:37; 2 Tim. 2:9). All that being said, I think that it is very possible that there are ELS codes in the Greek NT, but if there are—I would expect them to be much more simple in nature (perhaps single words rather than multi-worded phrases or whole sentences like we find in the Hebrew Tanakh), which are there more solely for the purpose of watermarking / authenticating the Greek text. But this is only my own personal speculation. Hopefully someone out there with programming knowledge will one day build a software program that is capable of searching the Greek text for codes. Only then will we know for sure!
the rapture timing is written for the Hebrews in Deuteronomy by the verse.
Duet. 29:22 is supposed to say so that the TERMINAL generation to come!
Duet. 30:5 (5708 verse, 1948!) Possessing the land!
Duet. 31:4 (5727 verse, 1967!) same land conquered as the 1967 war!
Duet. 31:31 ( Oh they took that verse out) and after the plague!!!
Duet. 32:28 (5781, 2021!) for they are a nation without understanding!
Duet. 32:29 If they were wise, they would consider the events of the last days!! (How it’s supposed to be worded)
The Gentiles in Psalms by the chapter!
Psalms is the 19th book, AND the 48th book from back to front..
Psalm 14– The fool has said in his heart there is no god. Stalin’s book
Psalm 47: 9 the United Nations met and gave Isreal it’s nation!!!
Psalm 48:13 Go tell it to the TERMINAL!! Generation
Psalm 90:10! By reason of pride and arrogance!! their years are 80
Let’s see 1948 + 80 – 7 (trib.) 2028-7—WE’RE OVER!!!!
Psalm 104:26! Let’s see what day did the tsunami happen! Dec. 26, 2004!!
Psalm 117 Divides the living! word of God. Extol him for what?
Psalm 120 Deliver me from lying lips…..
Psalm 121 the only psalm of Accent with the infinite action verb in the title
Psalm 122 Let us go into the house of the Lord. Warning
Psalm 126: 6 Bringing his sheaves with him. Who’s that? Hopefully YOU
2017 was the end of the 6000 yrs. Noah went into the Ark for 7 days BEFORE it started raining! (Faith!)
2017+7=2023. April 9th is Nissan 1 (Yes, we are on the Hebrew calendar too). Let’s see when is the total eclipse? April 8th. Creating a perfect shaped Aleph shadow across the USA. Ominous you say!
The Rapture happens before! the Gog Magog war. How many soldiers does the Ukraine have left, you ask. They are conscripting 16 and 60 yr. olds now.
Is it time to go? Yes, that would be it. Do GOD’S work while you can..
is there a place we can get all the hebrew letters numbered and words. also in the king james english words?8282428382