The Kamala Harris Bible code

Earlier this year I published a Bible code about President Biden that I discovered over a year ago, thereby demonstrating how Biden’s ascendancy to the Presidency as an elderly man was foretold in the Bible thousands of years before it happened. Two days after I published that article, the current President formally announced that he … Read more

President Biden in the Bible code

President Biden’s poor debate performance on June 27 was anything but what Democrats had been hoping for. For an hour and a half, the entire nation watched in astonishment as the frail and elderly looking President seemed to repeatedly stumble over his words, lose his train of thought while speaking, and struggle to string sentences … Read more

Bible code grids explained

In order to fully understand and appreciate the mystery of ELS Bible codes, one must possess a working knowledge of Bible code grids. This article is intended to function as a reference page which explains this concept as clearly and concisely as possible. My hope is that having an article on this topic that I … Read more

Bible code about the Rapture

There is no doctrinal concept that seems to stir up strife and controversy among believers quite like the Rapture. It is perhaps one of the most divisive and polarizing topics in Christianity today, and it’s one that practically every believer seems to have very strong and unbendable views on. I must confess that personally, this … Read more

Timeline of Biblical Chronology (MT)

The aim of this article is to provide a simple timeline of biblical chronology which covers the first three millenia of biblical history. This post is largely intended to function as a purely informational reference post that I can easily link to in topically relevant articles. All of the dates provided in the timeline are … Read more

Single-verse Bible codes

The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to yet another powerful witness to the Bible’s divine origins, that of single-verse Bible codes. In this article, I will explain what single-verse Bible codes are, discuss why they’re significant, and provide numerous examples of them in order to objectively demonstrate their existence. It is … Read more

The Bible’s verse divisions are divinely inspired

Introduction It is commonly taught that the Bible’s verse divisions are a construction of man which were devised for convenience long after the books of the Bible were written, from whence it is argued that these divisions have no divinely authoritative basis. The goal of this article is to cast this mountain of misinformation into … Read more

A ‘Titanic’ Bible code discovery

In my most recent post, I shared an ELS Bible code I recently discovered which appears to very clearly foretell the creation and rise to power of the United States, thousands of years before it happened. As I explained in that article, the significance of this discovery was very important, as it was one of … Read more