The Sin of Ham: A Brief Analysis

At the end of Genesis 9, we are given a very brief account of an event which occurred in man’s ancestral family shortly after the flood. This “event” is commonly referred to as the sin of Ham. And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, … Read more

Greek Isopsephy in the New Testament

In this examination I will introduce the ancient alphanumerical cipher undergirding the mystical science of Greek Isopsephy, and will show how God utilized this ancient system of numeral representation to create a system of alphanumeric watermarks which authenticate the received text of the Greek New Testament. What is Greek Isopsephy? As applied to the Bible, … Read more

Hebrew Gematria and How it Manifests in the Bible

The notion that the Bible contains alphanumeric codes is controversial among believers and unbelievers alike. There is a very prevalent mental association of gematria and isopsephy with the occult which is at least partly to blame for the stigma surrounding these analytical tools among Christians. In this brief analysis I hope to impart knowledge that … Read more

The Bible code of Isaiah 53: “Jesus is my name.”

Introduction For Christians seeking proof of the messianic identity of Jesus in the pages of the Old Testament, Isaiah 53 is the Mecca of all prophecies. This chapter so plainly describes the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus Christ that one is left bewildered trying to figure out how observant Jews could read these twelve verses … Read more

The Seven Days of Creation: Symmetry & Meaning

Most people are very familiar with the story of the seven days of Creation found at the beginning of the Bible. What many do not know is that there is an under-girding order and bilateral symmetry present in the seven days of Creation, and that this order and bilateral symmetry is tied to a key … Read more

The United States: A Covenant People

A few years ago, I came across a YouTube video in which a messianic Jewish author by the name of Jonathan Cahn gave what was essentially an oral summary of the conglomeration of prophetic mysteries revealed in his NY Times best-selling book “The Harbinger.” I was not familiar with any of Cahn’s work at the … Read more

The Golden Candlestick & the Biblical Canon

For the man or woman of God, there is no authority higher than the authority of God’s Written Word. As Christians, we believe that every jot and tittle, every iota and every accent–is divinely inspired, and we thus esteem the words of the Holy Bible to be the very words of God himself. As such, … Read more

The Seven Hebrew Words of Genesis 1:1

The English Bible opens with the words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” While there is a total of ten words in this sentence in English translation—in the original Hebrew text there are only seven. The seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 are as follows: # Word Part of Speech Translation … Read more