Did a Bible code predict President Trump would be shot in the ear?

Could a Bible code lying dormant in one of the most ancient texts of the Hebrew Bible have foreseen that President Trump would be shot on the tip of the right ear? In August of 2024 I discovered an ELS Bible code which I believe shows that it both could and did, and in this post I am going to share that code publicly for the first time.

How it all began

On August 12, 2024–author and Messianic teacher Jonathan Cahn uploaded a video to his YouTube channel entitled: “The Mystery Behind The Trump Assassination.” In it, he lays out a very well-ordered thesis in which he relates what happened to President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, to a specific verse in Leviticus 8 which mentions putting blood on the tip of the right ear of the high priest of Israel in order to consecrate him. Cahn makes the case that there may be a deeper prophetic mystery surrounding this verse, which may potentially reveal hidden prophetic significance behind the failed assassination attempt on President Donald Trump.

Cahn notes that the bullet pierced the tip of President Trump’s right ear and caused it to bleed, which in turn prompted him to reflexively reach up with his right hand and touch his bloody wound–which he notes would have presumably transferred blood to his right thumb. Trump then immediately fell to the floor, somehow losing his shoes in the process, which presumably would have caused him to inevitably get blood on the big toe of his right foot when he stood back up. Thus, the same three parts of the body that the high priest would have had covered with blood in this ritual of consecration in Leviticus 8, Trump also had covered with blood. Not only that, but those three parts of his body were applied with blood in the exact same sequence as the ritual of consecration in Leviticus 8 instructs–first the tip of the right ear, then the right thumb, and finally the big toe of the right foot.

In light of the parallels just described, Cahn makes the case that God may have been speaking through this failed assassination attempt, and may have essentially been identifying Trump as the next leader (or figurative “high priest”) of the nation, and was in a symbolic fashion publicly consecrating him for the office of the Presidency publicly before the entire nation–just as the high priest of Israel had been consecrated publicly before the entire nation in ancient times, in accordance with the instructions for priestly consecration given in Leviticus 8.

Bible code in Leviticus 14

Cahn’s video sparked my curiosity enough to cause me to run a multiple-word search the next day for the name “President Trump” in the Bible code. For those who are not familiar, the rules for a multiple-word Bible code search are a little different than those governing the search for the encryption of one continuous text-string. The chief difference is that when you are searching for a word, phrase, or statement as one continuous text-string, you can search for the encoded string within as wide a range of potential ELS’s that you like–the sky is the limit. The encoded string can be found within a single verse at an ELS of 2 letter skips, or it can be found at an ELS of 130,000 letter skips and can span across the entirety of the canon. In contrast, with a multiple-word search, what you are doing is you are searching for the encryption of two conceptually related words/phrases in close proximity to one another within a topically relevant portion or section of the HB. Because you’re looking for conceptually related words in close proximity to one another within the same passage, both strings in a multiple-word search must obviously be encoded at small ELS’s.

The name “President Trump” is not encoded anywhere in the Hebrew Bible as one continuous text-string. I thus decided to instead run a multiple-word search for the words “President” and “Trump,” with the ELS range set to 1-150. The search took about ten minutes to complete in total, and the software returned a results set containing a total of 3 positive hits–indicating that there are only three passages in the entire Hebrew Bible where the words “President” and “Trump” are found encoded together within an ELS range of 1-150. Those three passages are: Exodus 37:8-10, Leviticus 14:8-14, and 2 Kings 6:25-32.

One will recall that the verse on which Jonathan Cahn predicated his thesis in his Mystery of the Trump Assassination, was Leviticus 8:23-24. However, it should be noted that this is actually 1 of only 2 Scriptures in the Bible which speak of blood on the tip of the right ear, the thumb of the right hand, and the big toe of the right foot. There is one other verse in the Hebrew Bible which mentions blood on these three body parts, and it is another verse from the book of Leviticus, which describes a very similar ritual of consecration, namely–Leviticus 14:14. The chief difference between the rituals described in Leviticus 8 and Leviticus 14 is that the recipient of consecration in Leviticus 8:23-24 is the high priest of Israel, whereas the recipient of consecration in Leviticus 14:14 is a leprous man.

Suffice it to say that when I looked at the result set and saw that Leviticus 14:8-14 was 1 of the only 3 passages in the entire Bible where the words “President” and “Trump” could be found encoded together, my immediate first thought was that this can’t be a coincidence. Here is a screenshot of what the code looks like on the grid:

Screenshot of the Trump bloody right-ear Bible code grid, containing the text of Leviticus 14:6-16. The letters making up the word nasia ("President"), which is encoded at an ELS of every 115 letters, are highlighted in blue, and can be seen on the grid in a repetitive pattern which begins on the fourth from last line of the grid in Leviticus 14:14, whereby each letter of the word occurs three letters up and one to the right of the one before it. This encoded word intersects with the encoding of the name "Trump" at a slight angle on line 11 of the grid, and its letters are highlighted red. The topically relevant line of plain text is the entirety of Leviticus 14:14 near the bottom of the grid, which is highlighted in yellow.

On the surface, the fact that the words “President” and “Trump” are encoded together here in this passage doesn’t really look all that statistically impressive, given that both words are only 5 letters long in Hebrew. One might thus be tempted to ask “What’s the big deal?” Yet as previously stated, this is 1 of only 3 passages in the entire Hebrew Bible where these two words appear encoded together. The rarity of the encryption can be attributed partly to the fact that the word “Trump” in Hebrew contains 2 of the most rarely occurring Hebrew letters–tet and pey, which greatly diminishes the probability of it appearing encoded even by itself at a short-distance ELS.1 Given its rarity, the fact that the name “Trump” just so happens to appear encoded here right above a verse talking about having blood applied to the tip of the right ear, the right thumb, and the big toe of the right foot, at an exceedingly short ELS of only every 2 letters–is obviously remarkable.

Meaning of the Code

It is impossible to say with any certainty that the verse of topical correspondence in this code matrix is intended to make a spiritual statement about President Trump, as Jonathan Cahn had suggested in his video. It is possible that God simply encoded the words “President” and “Trump” above Leviticus 14:14 merely to create a Bible code which foretells the failed assassination attempt on President Trump’s life. In other words, it’s possible that all he wants us to focus on with regard to the line of topical correspondence are the phrases “blood,” and “upon the tip of the right ear of him.”

On the other hand, it is also possible that the Lord is speaking through Leviticus 14:14, through which he is making a deeper, spiritual or prophetic statement about President Trump, as Jonathan Cahn suggested in his video. If this is the case, then President Trump would be the leprous man (an unbeliever), who is being consecrated and made clean by the high priest of Israel (Jesus).2

What’s interesting about this latter possibility, is that there was a prophetic word given by a fellow by the name of Brandon Biggs, who in March of 2024 published a YouTube video in which he stated that God showed him a vision of a failed assassination attempt on President Trump’s life. He stated that he saw a bullet fly by President Trump’s head, and that it came so close to his head that it “busted his ear drum,”3 and caused his ear to be covered in blood. He said that he saw Trump immediately fall to the ground after being shot, at which point he immediately began to pray and worship the Lord, and he became radically born again instantaneously. He stated that this would mark a transition point in Trump’s life, and that after this took place he would be a changed man who would suddenly become “on fire” for Jesus. Given the stunning accuracy of the details given in this video published several months before it actually happened, I see no valid reason to question either his credibility or the legitimacy of this prophetic vision.

It is interesting to note that Bigg’s prophetic vision would align perfectly with the implied spiritual/prophetic meaning of Leviticus 14:14 when applied to Trump. Jesus is referred to in the Bible as our high priest (Heb. 4:14), and when we plug that little factoid into Leviticus 14:14, the spiritual meaning of what the Lord would be saying through this verse in the context of this Bible code suddenly becomes self-evident. The meaning would be that President Trump’s spiritual leprosy (unbelief) was going to be cleansed by the great high priest (Jesus), who would consecrate him publicly before the entire nation in accordance with the divine ordinances of Leviticus 14. Having now been consecrated by the Lord himself, President Trump is now set to reassume the office of the Presidency on January 20, 2025 as a changed man and born-again believer.4

Summary & Conclusion

Regardless of which view one takes with regard to the overall spiritual significance of the code just presented, it is undeniable that the name “Trump” (which appears encoded by itself a total of only 8 or 9 times depending on which manuscript of the Hebrew Bible one is using) is encoded in Leviticus 14 right above a verse that speaks of blood on the tip of the right ear. It is also undeniable that this is 1 of only 3 verses in the entire Hebrew Bible where the words “President” and “Trump” appear encoded together in the same passage at a short-distance ELS. Taken together, it is my conviction that Leviticus 14 contains what is at bare minimum an ELS Bible code which prophesied of the failed assassination attempt on President Trump’s life in Butler, Pennsylvania–thousands of years before it happened (Isa. 42:9; 46:10; 48:3-7). With that I leave you with the words of our Lord and Savior: “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matt. 5:18)

  1. For context, the name “Trump” appears encoded by itself a total of only 8 times in the Thenach Standard text within the ELS range of 1-150; and a total of 9 times by itself in the Westminster Leningrad Codex. Thus even by itself, the name “Trump” appears encoded at a short-distance ELS very rarely in the Hebrew Bible.
  2. Spiritually, a leprous man would signify a spiritually unclean person, or an unbeliever. This would certainly fit the profile of President Trump–who for the majority of his life was not someone whom one would think of as a man of faith.
  3. He uses the word “ear drum” in the video, although it is abundantly clear by the way that he held his ear lobe while saying this that what he actually meant was ear lobe.”
  4. It is also interesting to note that this would also line up with the prophecies of Kim Clement–who consistently prophesied of Trump’s presidency several years before he ever ran for President. In his prophecies, he stated America would have a non-religious praying President for two terms, but that this praying president would not be a praying president when he starts. Rather, he would be baptized by the Holy Spirit sometime after entering into office.

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