In my most recent post, I shared an ELS Bible code I recently discovered which appears to very clearly foretell the creation and rise to power of the United States, thousands of years before it happened. As I explained in that article, the significance of this discovery was very important, as it was one of several recent discoveries I made which forcibly confronted me with the reality of long-distance Bible codes. Today I would like to share a similar recent discovery of equally titanic significance. For the sake of clarity and convenience, I will throughout this analysis refer to the code I am about to reveal as the “Titanic Bible code”.
Exclusive to the Standard Thenach text
As with the “land of America” Bible code I shared most recently, the Bible code I am going to reveal in this article is what I refer to as a long-distance ELS code. As I explained previously, I define long-distance Bible codes as those encoded at an ELS of >= 1,000 letter-skips.
Unlike short-distance Bible codes, long-distance Bible codes are always exclusive to the specific manuscript or edition of the Hebrew Bible in which they are found. As I have explained, this is due to the fact that the various manuscripts which underlie modern printed editions of the Hebrew Bible do not always agree on whether a certain vowel on a particular word should be indicated by a vowel marker or a consonant vowel, resulting in slightly divergent spellings of certain words across manuscripts. Because long-distance ELS codes are encrypted at such large letter-skip intervals, it is simply inevitable that they are going to include numerous words with such contested spellings in their letter counts, hence the reason that long-distance ELS codes are going to be exclusive to whichever particular manuscript or edition of the Tanakh in which they are found. I will explain the ramifications of this with regard to the precise nature of biblical inspiration in a future article, but suffice it to say for the time being that my research has gradually forced me to the conclusion that each manuscript and textform of the Tanakh is “uniquely” divinely inspired–each one being impregnated with its own unique set of long-distance Bible codes.
In the case of our present example, the code I am about to reveal is found exclusively in what is known as the “Standard Thenach” text.1
Titanic Bible code revealed
At approximately 4:56 a.m. on November 28, 2022, I keyed the word טיטאניק (“Titanic”) into my Bible code search software, set the ELS search range to 2-100,000 letter skips, and hit “search”. The program returned one single positive result–indicating that this word was encrypted only 1 time in the Standard Thenach text of the Hebrew Bible. I clicked on the result to analyze it, and was confronted with the following code matrix:
![Screenshot of the Titanic Bible code matrix. The image depicts a 3-row, 1-column table showing the word "Titanic" encoded in the Hebrew text-grid, two lines above the prophecy of Ezekiel 26:5. These two statements converge in the grid to form a cryptic prophecy about the fate of the RMS Titanic.](
As can be seen, the word טיטאניק (“Titanic”) is encoded at an ELS of every 8,815 letters backwards, beginning at the quph in the word וצדקה in Jeremiah 33:15. Note that the line of text highlighted blue within the grid (Ezekiel 26:5) is the statement of topical correspondence.
For those of you who might not be familiar with ELS Bible codes, allow me to very briefly explain the concept of the text grid. Whenever the Bible code software finds an encryption of the string you’re searching for, it goes to that place in the text and organizes the entire Hebrew text of the Tanakh (Old Testament) into rows consisting of x amount of letters, where x equals the number of letter skips at which the encoded string is found. We call this meticulous structuring of the text “the grid”. A consequence of organizing the text in this way is that it causes the encoded string (in this case the word “Titanic” to appear within the grid in a vertical line, as seen in the example above.
The basic idea of Bible codes is that the encoded word or statement will converge with lines of topical correspondence within the text grid by divine providence to form a cryptic message or prophecy. Thus in the case of our present example, the encoded string converges with the plain text prophecy of Ezekiel 26:5 two lines down the grid from the primary encoded string, to form a cryptic prophecy about the RMS Titanic.2
A closer look at the encryption
Our encoded string in this example (the word “Titanic” in Hebrew) is encoded at an ELS of every 8,815 letters. Each row in the grid above signifies a line of 8,815 letters of biblical text. I have constructed the following table to show what specific verse each row of the encoded string appears in:
Letter | Verse |
ק | Jeremiah 33:15 |
י | Jeremiah 38:18 |
נ | Jeremiah 44:20 |
א | Jeremiah 50:18 |
ט | Ezekiel 1:27 |
י | Ezekiel 10:2 |
ט | Ezekiel 16:27 |
Just to clarify so that there’s no confusion, this means that beginning at the first letter of the encoded word in Jeremiah 33:15 (the top row of the grid), counting 8,815 letters from that letter brings you to the second letter of the string, which is in Jeremiah 38:18 (the second line of the grid). Counting 8,815 letters from that letter brings you to the third letter of the encoded word, which is in Jeremiah 44:20 (the third line of the grid). Rinse and repeat four more times. In other words, when you begin at that second quph in Jeremiah 33:15 and count forward 8,815 letters a total of 6 times, it spells out the word “Titanic” in Hebrew.
At first glance, the brevity of the encoded string in this example might entice one to think: “what’s the big deal?” Surely one would expect to find a seven-letter word encoded in numerous places in the Old Testament when searching such a large range of potential letter skip sequences. The reality, however, is that the word “Titanic” in Hebrew contains a total of 3 rare letters–two tets,3 and one quph. Consequently, despite its relative brevity, this is the one and only time that you will find the word “Titanic” encoded in this edition of the Hebrew Bible. The fact that this word appears encrypted “here and only here” essentially obliterates any realistic argument of this code matrix being a coincidence.
Topical relation explained
The authenticity of the Titanic Bible code is affirmed by both the exclusivity of the encryption, as well as the line of obvious topical relation we find just two rows down in the text grid. As previously stated, the line of topical correspondence in this code matrix is actually the entire verse of Ezekiel 26:5. Here’s how that verse reads in English:
“She shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea; for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD; and she shall become plunder for the nations.”
(Ezekiel 26:5)
In its original context, this was a prophecy of doom directed at the island city of Tyre–a city which was deemed by its own residents to be impenetrable and unconquerable. This assumption was proven wrong in 331 BC when a navy commanded by Alexander the Great successfully penetrated its walls and destroyed the city–thus fulfilling Ezekiel’s prophecy.
Ezekiel’s prophecy transposed
What the Lord has so brilliantly done here is he has taken this ancient prophecy about ancient Tyre and transposed it’s meaning onto the Titanic. Thus it is as if the prophecy has a dual meaning. On one level it is talking about the destruction of the ancient city of Tyre at the hands of Alexander the Great in 331 BC, which is the plain and immediately obvious meaning of the prophecy. Yet it is simultaneously on another level speaking about the fate of the RMS Titanic. This latter meaning is one which has been kept hidden for thousands of years, but is now made known by the discovery of this divinely constructed Bible code (Eph. 3:5; cf. Matt. 13:17; Luke 10:24).
The cryptic prophecy revealed in this code matrix began to be fulfilled in 1985, when the wreck of the Titanic was finally discovered during an expedition headed by Dr. Robert Ballard, 73 years after the disaster. After her discovery, many more trips to the wreck would be undertaken by teams of researchers and explorers hailing from different nations. These numerous dives to the wreck would result in thousands of artifacts being seized and brought to the surface by treasure seekers. By the year 2004, less than 2 decades since her discovery, it was estimated that the Titanic had been ‘plundered’ of as many as 8,000 artifacts.4 The cryptic prophecy of the Titanic Bible code had finally been fulfilled.
There is a lot of meaning to unpack in the Ezekiel 26:5 prophecy. Let us break it down and analyze it piece by piece.
The pronoun “She”
Hebrew is a gendered language–meaning that all nouns are either masculine or feminine. In biblical Hebrew, cities are always feminine, and are thus always referred to with she/her pronouns (e.g. Isa. 40:2; Jer. 51:9; Lam. 4:13; Ezek. 24:7), and Tyre is no exception in the Ezekiel 26 prophecy. But what is remarkable here is that even though English is not a gendered language like Hebrew, we always refer to ships using she/her pronouns. In the original context of the prophecy, the “she” of Ezekiel 26:5 referred to the island city of Tyre. In the context of the Titanic Bible code, “she” refers to the Titanic.
The phrase “In the midst of the sea”
In the original context of the prophecy, the phrase “in the midst of the sea” referred to the fact that Tyre was an island city–surrounded by water on all sides. In the context of the Titanic Bible code, this phrase is referring to the fact that the Titanic would sink on her maiden voyage and perpetually lie in ruins two and a half miles down, in the middle of the North Atlantic ocean.5
The phrase “shall become plunder”
In the original context of the Ezekiel 26:5 prophecy, the phrase “shall become plunder” refers to the Macedonians plundering the city of Tyre after breaching its walls in 331 BC. In the prophetic context of the Titanic Bible code, this phrase refers to the fact that the Titanic was destined to be brought to ruins, to become coveted treasure trove for greedy grave robbers almost a century after her she met her tragic end.
The phrase “for the nations”
The Titanic wreck lies in international waters. It is not owned by any nation or government. All of the plunderers and grave robbers of the Titanic wreck have been privately funded expeditions by independent teams of researchers hailing from different nations. The wreck of the Titanic has thus quite literally become an international place of plunder “for the nations.”
Prophetic link between Tyre and Titanic
Now we’re about to see just how big the mind of God is. Note that the prophecy in the above grid comes from Ezekiel 26:5. In its original context, this was a prophecy about the ancient island city of Tyre. Yet, within the context of the Bible code—it is obvious that God is lifting this ancient prophecy out of its original context and using it to create a prophecy within the Bible code which speaks of the fate of the RMS Titanic. I didn’t immediately realize it at the time, but in discovering this code matrix I had unknowingly unlocked an even more profound biblical mystery concerning Tyre and the Titanic. What would eventually become apparent to me is that Tyre and the RMS Titanic are prophetically linked within the Logos. What that essentially means is that every single prophecy about the ancient city of Tyre found anywhere in the entire Hebrew Bible, also applies to the RMS Titanic. It is thus as if God has designed it so that the two constructs are prophetically interchangeable. Let me show you what I mean.
The beautiful ship metaphor of Ezekiel 27
In Ezekiel 27, the prophet metaphorically describes the city of Tyre as a beautiful ship full of precious wares and cargo, who is fated to be wrecked in the midst of the sea. He goes on to state that her crew, passengers, and all of the precious cargo she is carrying will go down with her to the bottom of the sea (Ezek. 27:27). Not only does Ezekiel state that the metaphorical ship of Tyre would be shipwrecked “in the midst of the sea”, but he literally states that she would “be broken” in the midst of the sea (Ezek. 27:26). The Hebrew word for “broken” here is shabar, which literally means: “to be broken in pieces”. As we know, the stress created by the volume of water that had filled the bow caused the Titanic to break in half just before she took her final plunge to the ocean floor. Consequently, the wreck today lies in two pieces at the bottom of the North Atlantic.
Isaiah’s 70 years prophecy
As if Ezekiel’s beautiful ship metaphor to describe Tyre’s fate is not astounding enough, it should also be noted that the prophet Isaiah had prophesied that Tyre would be laid waste, after which time she would be “forgotten seventy years” (Isaiah 23:15). This prophecy goes on to state that after this seventy year period had elapsed, Tyre would become like the song of the prostitute—and would “return to her hire” (Isa. 23:17), and begin to “commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the earth” once more. What is interesting about this is that the Titanic was discovered on September 1, 1985—73 years after she met her tragic end on April 15, 1912. With the sudden discovery of her ruins on the ocean floor, the legendary ocean liner was suddenly thrust back in the public limelight after having out of sight and out of mind for over 70 years.
Within two years of her discovery, teams of divers from various countries began visiting the grave of the forgotten ship, “salvaging” various artifacts from the wreck site. Many if not most of these artifacts from the Titanic have been sold for apocalyptic amounts of money at auctions.6 After having been “forgotten for seventy years”, the former luxurious floating city had suddenly returned to her former hire, in fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 23:17.
False sense of security
In addition to such obvious biblical parallels, there are other parallels between ancient Tyre and the Titanic that should be obvious to anyone familiar with the history of ancient Tyre. For example, the residents of ancient Tyre and the passengers and crew of the RMS Titanic were both drunk on what I would describe as a false sense of security. In the case of Tyre, you had a walled and highly fortified island city which was thought to be impenetrable and essentially immune to foreign invasions. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had laid siege to the city for 13 years in the sixth century BC, but was unable to take it or force its residents into submission. He eventually forsook his endeavors to take the island, and shifted his focus toward Egypt. The island city of Tyre was literally the only city in the ancient near east that escaped the conquest of Babylon. Needless to say, when Alexander the Great came to town some two centuries later and set his sights on the island city, the Tyrians weren’t too concerned. History had seemed to testify that they were safe from foreign invaders.
Like the ancient Tyrians, the passengers and crew of the RMS Titanic had a very similar false sense of security to the ancient Tyrians. The intellectual atmosphere of both Britain and America in the early twentieth century was one characterized by a spirit of raging confidence in science and technology, and the Titanic (as the grandest ship in the world at that time) had almost come to embody that prideful and defiant spirit. Just as ancient Tyre had been believed to be impenetrable and unconquerable, so the Titanic in her day was literally believed to be unsinkable, and the fact that there were not enough lifeboats for even half of all of the passengers and crew aboard attests to this blind optimism and overconfidence in human knowledge and technology. We know that the Titanic received numerous warnings over its Marconi wireless system from other ships at sea in the days leading up to the tragedy, informing the crew about a field of icebergs lying right in their path. Unfortunately these warnings went unheeded, and the Titanic charged ahead at full speed as if nothing was in her path. The fact that the bridge of Titanic seemed to underestimate the seriousness of these ice warnings suggests a blind overoptimism and a false sense of security amongst the crew. Such disregard was rooted in the false belief that they were on a ship which was practically unsinkable.
It is also said that after the collision with the berg, many passengers onboard the Titanic refused to enter life boats, unaware that their very lives depended on it. This is a witness to the fact that even after the ship had struck the iceberg, it was simply inconceivable to many (if not most) of the passengers that it was even possible that the Titanic could sink. Taken together, it would appear that the Titanic passengers and crew had an eerily similar false sense of security that the ancient residents of Tyre had had over 2,000 years prior. As the book of Proverbs rightly says: “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)
Women & children
Another interesting parallel between ancient Tyre and the RMS Titanic that is worth noting appertains to women and children. When the Tyrians learned of Alexander’s intentions to lay siege to the city of Tyre, they evacuated the women and children from the city, while the men remained behind to defend the city. As a result, many of the women and children who had been evacuated to the Phonetician colony of Carthage on the coast of North Africa survived, while the men who had remained behind to defend the city were either killed or sold into slavery after Alexander the Great and the Macedonians conquered the city. This is interesting in light of the fact that women and children were given priority when the crew of the Titanic began boarding its lifeboats. Few men would survive the disaster as a result of this policy, which meant that many of the women who survived suddenly became widows with children who were now fatherless–not much unlike the women and children of the men who died defending Tyre.
Taken together, the totality of the evidence suggests that there is a metaphoric link between Tyre and the Titanic within the Logos. A consequence of this type of spiritual relationship is that all of the prophecies in the Bible concerning construct A (in this case Tyre) apply also to construct B (in this case Titanic). Thus by binding two seemingly unrelated constructs in this way, the Lord can use one set of prophecies to speak simultaneously of two different historical events which occur thousands of years apart on his historical timeline. It appears that this is what is going on here, as all of the prophecies concerning the ancient island city of Tyre fit way too perfectly with the Titanic to be the result of a coincidence.
Titanic Bible code: Conclusion
Now of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum: the word “Titanic” is encoded one single time in the Standard Thenach edition of the Hebrew Bible. That encryption is found at an ELS of every 8,815 letters, beginning in Jeremiah 33:15 and ending in Ezekiel 16:27. Located just two lines down from the first letter of the word “Titanic” within the grid of the code matrix is the prophecy of Ezekiel 26:5, which in its original context was a prophetic declaration of the destruction of the ancient island city of Tyre. By divine design, this ancient prophecy converges with the encoded word (“Titanic”) within the text grid to form a cryptic prophecy which foretells the tragic fate of the RMS Titanic, thousands of years before it happened (Isa. 42:9; 46:9-10). This cryptic prophecy of the Titanic Bible code was fulfilled when the wreck of the Titanic was continually plundered by grave robbers and treasure seekers from diverse nations over the course of the first two decades following her discovery in September of 1985.
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- According to the Bible code search program that I use, the “Standard Thenach” signifies: “. . . . the masoretic text as it can be found in the most editions (a.o of N.H. Snaith) until about 1900. . . .”
- It may be helpful to think of text grids as a something like divinely designed prophetic word-search puzzles.
- The letter tet is one of the least frequently occurring letters in the entire Bible.
- Blackstock, Colin. “Titanic Wreck Plundered, Says Ocean Explorer.” The Guardian, June 8, 2004.
- The wreck lies about 360 miles southeast of the coast of Newfoundland.
- Lee, Mike. “Plundering the Titanic.” ABC News, October 30, 2006.
Worth a re-visit to check for a third fullfillment in the next 3 years. I was given also the word Jugernaut.