President Biden’s poor debate performance on June 27 was anything but what Democrats had been hoping for. For an hour and a half, the entire nation watched in astonishment as the frail and elderly looking President seemed to repeatedly stumble over his words, lose his train of thought while speaking, and struggle to string sentences together. It was so bad that even the mainstream news media could no longer deny that the leader of the free world appears to be exhibiting possible signs of age-related cognitive decline. After the debate, many viewers took to social media to voice their opinion–with many accusing the Democratic party leaders of “elder abuse.” I couldn’t help but find this particular charge interesting, as it immediately reminded me of a Bible code about President Biden that I discovered well over a year ago. In this brief article, I am going to reveal that code publicly for the first time.
A Bible code about President Biden
One morning back in May of 2023, I fired up my Bible code search software and ran a search for the phrase נשיא ביידן, (nasi Biden, “President Biden”). I set the ELS search range to 1-150,000 letter skips, and ran a search for the phrase as one continuous string (נשיאביידן). The search yielded a total of 2 positive encryptions of this string in the Thenach Standard Text edition of the Hebrew Bible. The image below documents the grid generated by the computer for one of these two positive hits. Behold:
Here we can see that the phrase nasi Biden (“President Biden”) is encrypted in the Hebrew Bible at an ELS of every 80,052 letters. The encryption begins at the nun of the first word of Deuteronomy 33:12, and ends at the second nun of the word קנני in Proverbs 8:22.1 I have also highlighted what I perceive to be lines of topical correspondence within the grid which confirm the divine authenticity and deliberate nature of the code.
A Brief re-cap of Grids
I have already explained at length how Bible code grids are generated and how they work in a previous post, so I will refrain from getting into a lengthy discussion about that here. Suffice it to say that when the software finds a positive encryption of the search word or phrase anywhere in the Hebrew Bible at any ELS within the specified range, it creates a grid by dividing the text of the entire Hebrew Bible (from Genesis to 2 Chronicles) into rows of letters (without spacing) of equal length—the length of the rows being equal to the number of letter skips at which the encoded word or phrase is found. A consequence of the structuring of the text in this way is that it causes the encoded word/phrase to displayed within the grid in a vertical line as seen in the image above.
To apply what I’ve just described to the above example, the encoded phrase nasi Biden (“President Biden“) is found at an equidistant letter skip sequence of 80,052, which simply means that if you begin at the letter nun in the first word of Deuteronomy 33:12, and continuously skip 80,052 letters in the Hebrew TaNaKh (making note of every 80,052nd letter), it spells out נשיא ביידן, that is–“President Biden.” Thus each line on the grid in the image above signifies a continuous line of biblical narrative 80,052 letters in length–which is why the encoded phrase is displayed on the grid in a vertical line. Thus if you start at any place on the grid and move down a row, all you are doing is jumping ahead 80,052 letters in the narrative of the Hebrew Bible.
Note also that the image above documents the full grid, that is–it includes the lines which precede where the encryption begins and succeed where it ends. In its entirety, the full grid begins in Genesis 42:6 and ends in 2 Chronicles 30:5.2
Break-down of the President Biden Bible code
When I first began to analyze the above grid in my Bible code software, the first line of plain text that immediately caught my eye is the statement I have highlighted blue. It’s a line from Genesis 42:6, which the KJV renders: “And Joseph was governor over the country.” Obviously, the fact that this line appears within the grid just a few lines above the encrypted phrase “President Biden” is no coincidence. The occurrence of such a topically relevant statement in such close proximity to the encrypted phrase is indicative of deliberate, willful design. God is deliberately using the line about the patriarch Joseph in Genesis 42 to function simultaneously as a prophecy about the election of Joseph R. Biden in the Bible code.
The truth of my assertion that this is an authentic Bible code about President Biden is reinforced by the second topically relevant line of text we find on the eighth line of the grid, just a few letters to the right of the encrypted phrase. It is a line from Isaiah 47:6, which reads: “upon the elderly you have laid a very heavy burden.“
It should be noted that the Hebrew noun זקן that most English translations render as “elderly” in this verse appears here in the masculine singular, by which it is being used to denote a single male individual. Thus, this verse could just as easily be rendered as: “upon the old man you have laid a very heavy burden.” Indeed, the office of the Presidency can certainly be described as “a very heavy burden.” Shortly after being sworn in as the 33rd President following the sudden death of President Franklin Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, President Truman told reporters that he “. . . . felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me.”3
Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum. We saw that a search for the phrase “President Biden” (in Hebrew) at an ELS range between 1-150,000 reveals that this 9-letter string is found encrypted in the Hebrew Bible a total of only two times. In one of those two instances, we saw that the encoded phrase “President Biden” appears in close proximity to lines of blatantly obvious topical correspondence within the grid generated by the computer, all of which converge together to form a cohesive prophecy about Joseph R. Biden being elected to the office of President as an elderly man in the latter days. I myself am no statistician, but you don’t need to be to recognize that all of this did not occur by random chance–it is self-evident.
Not only is the Bible code about President Biden yet another irrefutable witness to the objective existence of the Bible code itself, but it is also an additional witness to the fact that nothing that happens in human history is a surprise to God. Indeed, Jesus Christ is the author of human history, and he has already declared the end from the beginning (Isa. 42:9; 46:9-10; Acts 15:18).
- Note that this encryption is exclusive to the Thenach Standard text edition of the Hebrew Bible. As I have explained in previous posts, there are different manuscripts and different printed editions of the Hebrew Bible, all of which contain occasional spelling differences. Consequently, long-range ELS codes like the one in this example are going to be exclusive to the specific edition of the HB in which they are found. The collective body of evidence has led me to the conclusion that there are multiple divinely inspired versions of the Hebrew Bible–each being divinely watermarked with its own unique set of irrefutable Bible codes which authenticate that particular version of the Hebrew Scriptures.
- Unlike the Christian Old Testament canon which ends with Malachi, the last book of the Hebrew Bible is 2 Chronicles.
- Helmig, Lacey. “Truman’s First 100 Days.” Truman Library Institute, January 28, 2021.
Finally a new post. Can you share new alphanumeric codes in the New Testament?