Earlier this year I published a Bible code about President Biden that I discovered over a year ago, thereby demonstrating how Biden’s ascendancy to the Presidency as an elderly man was foretold in the Bible thousands of years before it happened. Two days after I published that article, the current President formally announced that he was suspending his campaign for re-election, and endorsed Vice President Harris. The past three and a half months have been interesting, with most national polling pointing to what appears to be a dead heat. With the 2024 election now just a few days away, I felt compelled to share another Bible code that I discovered over the summer which I believe may potentially reveal the outcome of the 2024 election. For reasons that will become apparent after the code is revealed, I am referring to this particular code as “the Kamala Harris Bible code.”
The name “Kamala Harris” encoded in the Hebrew Bible
Back in July of this year, I decided to run an ELS search for the name “Kamala Harris” in the Hebrew Bible as one continuous text-string.1 I did not expect for this search to yield any results at all, for the simple fact that the name Kamala Harris is 10 letters long in Hebrew, and contains two rare letters. To my utter astonishment, the software immediately returned 1 positive result. The program indicated that this precise 10-letter string was encoded 1 time in the Westminister Leningrad codex at an equidistant letter skip sequence of 88,836.
I knew before even clicking on it that it had to be a deliberate encryption, as the probability of finding such a specific 10-letter text-string containing 2 rare letters encoded in the Hebrew Bible within even the widest range of potential ELS’s was next to zero. The image below documents the text grid of this precious encryption (note that I have also highlighted what I believe to be the primary line of topical correspondence in the plain text):

So what the software has done here to create the above grid is it has divided the text of the entire Hebrew Bible into rows of 88,836 letters each.2 The result of this is that the encoded string (“Kamala Harris”) is displayed in a vertical line within the grid, as seen in the screenshot above. Because the equidistant letter skip sequence at which her name is encoded is so large, it should go without saying that the entire encoded string stretches across nearly the entire canon of the Hebrew Bible, with each encoded letter occurring in a different biblical book.
Topical Correspondence
The first thing I do when I am looking over a Bible code grid to try and determine if the encoded word or phrase is an authentic Bible code, is I start looking over the lines of plain text which occur in the grid, and I start looking for any obvious lines of topical correspondence which somehow relate to the encoded word/name/phrase. If there is one, the Holy Spirit will usually highlight it to me fairly immediately. In this case, the following line from 2 Kings 9:10 jumped out at me:
And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel; and there shall be none to bury her. (KJV, 2 Kings 9:10)
Before we can understand the potential prophetic significance of this verse and how it is being used by the Bible to prophesy about Kamala Harris, it is necessary that we first understand the original context of this verse and what is going on in that particular part of the biblical narrative. This highlighted statement from 2 Kings 9 is being spoken by an anonymous prophet in the northern Kingdom of Israel in the ninth century BC, who has just been sent by the prophet Elisha to anoint a man named Jehu as the next king of Israel. In 2 Kings 9:10, this mysterious prophet has just anointed Jehu with a vial of olive oil in a private room, and is here prophesying over him–exhorting and encouraging him, and proclaiming to him that he has been anointed by God as the next king of Israel. It is in this context that 2 Kings 9:10 is to be understood, as this verse constitutes part of this private prophetic exhortation to Jehu. The prophet is here encouraging Jehu, telling him that he has been chosen to cut off the house of Ahab, and informing him of the imminent downfall of the wicked Queen Jezebel who is still in power at this point.
Thus, 2 Kings 9 forecasts this imminent confrontation between the ruling Queen Jezebel, and the divinely anointed and appointed next king of Israel. But what does any of this have to do with Kamala Harris? Well, it just so happens that Kamala Harris has recently been referred to as “Jezebel” by multiple prominent Christian leaders since becoming the Democratic nominee, and this is something that I was not even aware of when I first discovered her name encoded here in the Bible back in July. When one stops and thinks about it though, there are a number of striking parallels between these two female politicians. As but one example, Jezebel was the daughter of the Phonetician king, who was thought to have been responsible for the introduction of Baal worship in Israel. One of the chief ways that Baal was honored was through child sacrifice. Thus Baal worship had become a big part of the national apostasy in the northern kingdom of Israel thanks to Jezebel. Similarly, what is the #1 issue which Kamala Harris has made central to her campaign this election cycle? Abortion, or to coin the euphemism the Left likes to use: “reproductive rights.”
But the parallels don’t end there–it gets even better. Not only has Kamala Harris been referred to as Jezebel by multiple Christian leaders, but it also just so happens that President Trump has been repeatedly compared by multiple Bible teachers to the biblical character of Jehu–the man to whom the prophet in 2 Kings 9:10 is addressing, and this comparison has been being made since at least the beginning of Trump’s first term.3 In fact, messianic pastor and Bible teacher Jonathan Cahn just made this comparison in a recent prophetic address to Donald Trump issued just two days ago.
Jehu was chosen and anointed by God to be the next king of northern Israel. He was divinely tasked with taking down Jezebel, destroying the house of Ahab, and eradicating the worship of Baal (which had been instituted by Ahab through Jezebel’s influence) from the land. God specifically raised him up to accomplish these things (2 Kings 9:6-10). Jehu ultimately fulfilled his calling–eradicating Baal worship from the land and tearing down the house of Baal (2 Kings 10:27), just as President Trump (through his nomination of textualists to the US Supreme Court) tore down the abortion protections enshrined in Roe V. Wade.
I believe that you are beginning to see where I am going with this. What we appear to have here with the Kamala Harris Bible code is a sort of prophetic foreshadowing of the final show-down between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Presidential election. I do not think it is simply a coincidence that Kamala Harris’ full name appears encoded in the Hebrew Bible 1 single time (the fact that it is encoded in the Bible even once is extremely statistically improbable given the length of her name), and it just so happens to be encoded next to a verse on the grid which speaks of the downfall of a woman whom Kamala Harris has repeatedly been compared to, at the hands of a man whom Donald Trump has been repeatedly compared to. To me this bears all the marks of divine design. It appears that what we are witnessing in the 2024 election is a sort of modern “reenactment” of this ancient biblical paradigm.
Prophetic Meaning of the Kamala Harris Bible Code
It is my personal conviction that the code matrix infers that Donald Trump is going to win the election. The confrontation between Jehu and Jezebel occurred when the divinely anointed & appointed new national leader (Jehu) came to Jezreel where Jezebel was residing. After a brief exchange of words, the harlot-Queen was thrown down from her lofty residence by her own eunuchs, at which point Jehu stomped her to death with his horses & war-chariots. In the context of the 2024 election, I interpret this to mean that Kamala Harris is going to be “stomped” or “crushed” by Donald Trump in the final battle of this ideological war set to take place on November 5.
Meaning of “the dogs shall eat Jezebel” in the context of the 2024 Election
If I am correct that this is a Bible code which prophesies of the show-down between Kamala the sitting Queen and Donald the divinely-appointed next ruler in the 2024 election, then it begs the question–what could the statement “the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel” mean in the context of the Bible code? And who are “the dogs” that 2 Kings 9:10 prophesies will eat Jezebel? While I cannot say for certain, what I can say is that prophetic language is figurative, and Kamala Harris is not going to be literally eaten by wild dogs. There are a few possible interpretations I have thought about. One idea I had is rooted in the fact that the news media is often referred to as the “government watch-dog,” by which it is inferred that it is the job of the news media to hold government officials accountable. Thus in the context of the Kamala Harris Bible code, the prophetic declaration that Jezebel will be “eaten by dogs” could be taken to mean that Kamala Harris will somehow meet her demise by being “eaten alive” by the mainstream news media. However, given that the mainstream news media networks appear to be fully behind the Vice President and seem to be willing to do anything to help her win, this particular interpretation seems unlikely.
Another more likely possibility came to my mind on August 23, 2024. That afternoon I was passively listening to Ben Shapiro’s daily podcast, and at one point he made a statement that jumped out at me and made me immediately think back to this Bible code. Speaking of RFK Jr.’s decision to suspend his Presidential campaign and endorse former President Trump, Shapiro said: “He is going to be an attack dog against Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party.” This statement led me to the suspicion that the prophetic declaration of 2 Kings 9:10 could be referring to influential people with former ties to the Democratic party, (e.g. RFK Jr., Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard) getting behind President Trump and becoming attack dogs against Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. I lean more towards this interpretation, though it is far from certain that this is what the “eaten by dogs” prophecy of 2 Kings 9:10 is referring to in the context of the Bible code about Kamala Harris.4.
At the end of the day, Bible codes were not designed for the purpose of divining or predicting the outcome of future events (Deut. 18:10; Mic. 3:6), but rather for a testimony of things to be spoken after (Heb. 3:5; John 14:29; Isa. 42:9). In other words, if this is truly a Bible code which foretells the outcome of the 2024 election between the current Vice President and former President, then whatever is meant by the eaten by dogs prophecy will suddenly be filled with meaning after it comes to pass.
Final thoughts on the Kamala Harris Bible code
In closing, I want to add that this is not a political blog, and I am not a prophet. I am just an old biblical cryptographer sharing something interesting that I found encoded in the Hebrew Bible that I believe may potentially reveal the outcome of a current event that is just a few days away. If this turns out to be the case, this will be the second time that I have found a code in the Bible appertaining to a current event, that revealed the outcome to me before it became public.5 On the other hand, if a week from now the election turns out to have gone the other way, then it obviously means that my interpretation of the evidence shared in this article was off, and it was all just a coincidence. I tend to highly doubt this is the case, however, and am anticipating a decisive Trump win. Either way, we will know one way or the other in just a few days.
- The name Kamala Harris is spelled קמאלה האריס in Hebrew. To search for this name as one continuous text-string simply means to remove the spacing between the first and last name, which yields the following 10-letter string: קמאלההאריס.
- For a detailed discussion of how Bible code grids work, see this article.
- Jonathan Cahn and Michael Brown are two prominent Christian Bible teachers who have made this comparison since 2017.
- This may be purely coincidental, but I couldn’t help but find it very interesting that the debate between Trump and Harris just so happened to occur on September 10 (9/10), and that this became known as the “eating the dogs” debate.
- I have not published this code yet, but in June of 2023, I discovered the word “Oceangate” encoded next to a verse on the grid that used language that sounded like it was describing an implosion. This was 2 days before it was announced publicly that the Titan submersible had imploded, when everyone presumed that the crew was alive on the ocean floor, unable to ascend, and rapidly running out of oxygen.