America in the Bible code

America in the Bible code: Introduction In a previous article, I showed how the word “America” was encoded in part of Moses’ farewell address in Deuteronomy 30, and explained how the historical relevance of that specific passage as pertaining to America’s colonial roots made it very difficult for me to believe that that encryption had … Read more

Bible code confirms that the Earth is round.

Introduction In recent years, I have increasingly become aware that there are a growing number of Christians who are convinced that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat. This view is based on a very rigid overly-literal interpretation of figurative language used in various biblical passages (e.g. “the four corners of the earth”). This … Read more

The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9

Over the past two centuries, the book of Daniel has withstood more attacks on its authenticity than any other book in the Old Testament. Secular scholars and proponents of historical criticism not only collectively reject the traditional view that the book was written by the sixth century BC Judean exile and prophet Daniel, but even … Read more

Biblical Authorship and Dating

In order to fully grasp the significance of the mysteries and revelations shared on this site, it is imperative that one possess a working knowledge of when the books of the Bible were written. Without this framework of historical knowledge, one simply will be unable to connect the dots and understand why the Bible is … Read more

The Menorah & the Seven Days of Creation

In a previous post, I explained in detail how the seven days of Creation described in Genesis 1:2-3 are patterned after the design of the golden candlestick (the menorah) that Moses made for the tabernacle (Exod. 25:31-40). Today I thought I would share a neat little Bible code that I recently discovered which affirms the … Read more

Who encoded the Bible?

In previous articles, I demonstrated by way of many irrefutable examples that the Hebrew Scriptures are saturated with ELS codes which exhibit all the obvious markers of intelligent design. As we have seen, the authenticity of these Bible codes is proven by the fact that they occur in topically relevant biblical passages at statistically minuscule … Read more