Type 3 ELS Codes: Divine Echoes

In my two most recent articles I introduced Type 1 ELS codes and Type 2 ELS codes. In this final part of my introduction to biblical ELS codes, I am going to introduce the third and final class of ELS codes in my classification system—Type 3 ELS codes, also known as “Echoic” ELS codes. What … Read more

Type 2 ELS Codes: Divine Commentary

In a recent post, I introduced the phenomenon of ELS Bible codes. In that article I explained what ELS Bible codes are, and demonstrated their existence by way of many clear and irrefutable examples. Those of you who read that article will recall that I limited the focus of that investigation to only one of … Read more

ELS Bible Codes: A Brief Introduction

Introduction In a previous discussion, I explained at great length how God used the ancient Greek and Hebrew alphanumeric systems devised during the intertestamental period in order to deliberately plant alphanumeric codes in the Bible. I explained how these alphanumeric codes functioned as canonical watermarks which bear witness of the divine authorship and authenticity of … Read more

Psalm 22 Bible code matrix

In a previous post, I revealed how the statements שמי ישוע (“Jesus is my name”) and נצלבתי (“I was crucified“) are encrypted in the original Hebrew text of Isaiah 53 at different equidistant letter skip sequences. Because the revelation of that particular mystery has generated a lot of interest, I thought I’d publish another of … Read more

Alphanumeric Codes in the Bible

Introduction I have long maintained that the Holy Bible is saturated with divine watermarks which attest to its divine authorship and authenticity. In this particular analysis I want to focus exclusively on one specific type of divine watermark, namely–alphanumeric codes. In this examination I will attempt to objectively prove that the Bible is indeed saturated … Read more

The Topography of Eden reveals Jesus in Genesis

Today I want to share a very important biblical mystery that was revealed to me by the light of divine revelation several years ago. This mystery concerns the topography of the mysterious garden of Eden. Moses’ description of Eden Although the garden of Eden is mentioned multiple times throughout the Bible (Isa. 51:3, Ezek. 28:13; … Read more

The Deuteronomy 30:14 Principle

In a previous post I introduced the Logos, and demonstrated how the relationships between the constructs within it constitute the Bible’s shared index of figurative symbolism. We saw how the Logos and the relational overlap which occurs between the constructs within it is what causes biblical symbols to overlap, as symbols can represent every construct … Read more